Monday, August 27, 2012


This past month has been a flurry of activity. It has left my husband and I exhausted, but unfortunately instead of having time to recover we are both thrust into situations that are the opposite of rest. My husband started his third year of grad school today and I started a new full-time job. Both of these are wonderful things and I am so thankful to have this new job, but starting a new job is always overwhelming and I feel like I am coming into it empty and burned out. Looking and my bleary eyed husband across this small round table at Starbucks, I think he feels the same way about this new semester.
Let me bring (all 3 of you) up to date....
In the beginning of August we were called by our landlord and asked to move in two days, instead of the next week, which was what was originally planned. This meant that we had to pack up our apartment, find people to help us, and move in a frantic rush. I'm glad that we were able to just get it done, but it was physically tiring to say the least!
Then, just a couple days later, I was called in to interview for a new job. I got the job! But only had two weeks before I needed to start. So, I spent two weeks trying to wrap up my old job, find a replacement, and then train her.
I started my new job last Wednesday and after three days of training was on my own for the first day today. I am so happy to be working at this job and I think it is going to be fantastic, but sort of feel like I am floundering at the moment. Where do I even begin? There are many aspects of this job that make me uncomfortable, ex. calling people I have never met to discuss their children, or driving places I have never been with strangers who I am responsible for. But, since I have experienced these things before I know that they will challenge me and I will grow from them. I am just trying not to think about it right now...
On the bright (er) side. We finally got a kitty! We got her from a animal shelter, so she is rather skittish. I think she was a stray. So far she has spent the past two days either in a crate or in a closet. I think she sneaks around at night, so that is good. We are really hoping that she warms up soon :/
It is nice to have something soft and purring around however and she is very sweet.
We shall see!