Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Today is the first day of 2013 and, like thousands of other across the world, my thoughts turn to new years resolutions. For as long as I can remember I have made resolutions at the beginning of the year. Usually lose weight, eat healthier, and exercise regularly are at the top of the list. I often even set out an exercise routine that I plan to follow. (Which I stick to for about 3 days). This year I would like to add blogging more often to that list. I started this blog at a point in my life where I really felt like I needed a way to process what was happening in my life. I don't feel like I need that as much anymore, but I would like to continue regardless.
We shall see!
Last night was lovely. My husband and I rang in the new year with waffles, mimosas, and movies. It was very relaxed and at midnight we tromped outside into the snow and each threw 12 pennies over our shoulders into the street. This is a Puerto Rican tradition that my husbands step mom brought into his family. I think that is one tradition that we are going to continue with in our little family. You are also supposed to eat 12 grapes, but I forgot to buy them :/. Overall it was an incredibly nice evening.
This holiday season has been lovely and I can't believe it is over! I had been looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas for months and now they are done. :(  But, I am actually looking forward to real life starting again. Even though I only took off 5 days of work spread out over 2 weeks I feel very relaxed and dare I say it...a little board? Well, maybe not board. More like lazy and ready for some routine. It is a little depressing though thinking that I won't have another vacation for a while. Also, January, February, and March are rather depressing in Pennsylvania. It is cold and dreary and snows on and off, which I really don't like. I am not a cold weather gal. Driving in snow is very stressful for me and I have to say I get a lot of anxiety over it. Fingers crossed that this isn't a very snowy winter!
Well, I wish all of you reading a happy new year and my hope is that I will write more often.