Sunday, September 4, 2011

Change of Speed

Things have changed so much since my last post. Now it is the beginning of September, school is back in session and my life has calmed down so much.
Now I am working one job that is just 30 hours a week and taking a graduate level class. I never thought I would want to get a masters degree, but here I am! We will see what happens with it.
So my goal now is to blog regularly and work on my writing. I have more time on my hands and it feels both great and I am little unsure of what to do with myself.
One really positive aspect is that I have more time to spend on the apartment, which is something I have really been wanting to do. I got to "redesign" our bathroom. (Can't really do much since we are renting, but new towels and a new shower curtain go a long way:). Also, I have the energy to actually clean! Which is great. The highlight of it all is having time to cook and bake. Today I made tortillas, my mom's recipe, which are the tastiest tortillas in the world. My husband likes them, but since he didn't grow up on them like I did he is not as enamored.
We have decided to adopt a vegetarian eating style, which is kind of exciting, and challenging in a good way. I always thought I would just end up eating bread if I ever did that, but this has actually forced me to spend time and effort finding healthy recipes. Here are a couple favorites from these past couple weeks;
black bean and corn enchiladas and tuscan pasta with tomato-basil cream.
I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day!

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