Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So obviously I did not write about the second topic that I mentioned in my last blog. And, unfortunately, I have lost my passion to discuss it. Don't worry it wasn't that interesting, just some heated comments on how Walmart treats their employees. Nothing that anyone hasn't heard before :)
I guess what has been on my mind lately is stuff. As in we have a lot of stuff and I sometimes feel like our little one bedroom apartment is going to explode. Don't get me wrong. We are no where close to being hoarders. Well, maybe book hoarders, but what can you expect with a husband studying comparative literature? I am just really bad at throwing things away. I have this thought, right as I am headed to the trash can, what if I need this and will regret throwing it out? With clothes I especially struggle. And the thing is that I often regret giving clothes away. I still think of a couple sweatshirts that I wish I hadn't and a certain pair of pants that were given to my sister on a whim that I still tear up about on occasion... But, am I living successfully without them? Yes. Do I think of them every day? No. So I think I am okay.
In August we are moving across the street to a two bedroom apartment. My husband and I were ready to move yesterday. The new apartment will be wonderful. First of all, we will be on the third floor. Currently we are on the first floor, sort of sunk down so our patio is below ground level. Which is kind of lame. But, good for squirrels and chipmunks to play in and great for the multitude of spiders that have made it their home. I am excited to have a patio that we can actually go out on. Makes me dream of plants and patio chairs and wine outside in the evening. Also, two bedrooms. Need I say more? The other day I was surveying our apartment and dreaming of all the closet space we will have next year. Right now things are stuffed here and there and you have to be very careful or an avalanche will come crashing down upon you. The biggest perk, and main reason why we are willing to pinch pennies to have a two bedroom, is that my husband can have an office. Right now his space is a table squished into the corner of our livingroom/dining room/kitchen. This gives him no privacy to work. Which is important when you are in grad school. He tries to study and I dance around singing in the kitchen while making dinner. I am sure it is very distracting for him. Come to think of it, maybe I should be quieter.
Either way, in six months he will have his own space where he can shut a door and block out my distracting, although amazing, dance moves-singing combinations.(or, which also commenly happens, episodes of Voyager that I watch on my computer while cooking).
The only downside to our new place is the lame kitchen. The one we have now I really love. I love that it opens up into the living room and there is tons of counter space. And we have a dishwasher. It is cozy and cute. Our future kitchen is tiny and narrow, a galley kitchen is what I think they are called. And does not have a dishwasher. Or hardly any counter space. But, we will make it work and get creative.
Also, we will have room to potentially, fingers crossed, get a cat. Which is something I dream of daily and I know would make my life complete. :)
All this to say we have a lot of stuff. But, since we are moving to a bigger place do I really need to go through it and get rid of some of it? I am voting no.

1 comment:

  1. Loved it - especially the part about singing and dancing in the kitchen!
