Friday, July 6, 2012


I have been thinking quite a bit about our upcoming move. I have to say what I really want to do is buy a bunch of new furniture and art and lamps and little decorative items. Alas, with our meager budget that isn't exactly affordable. I wish I was one of those people who loved to hunt around in thrift stores, but I hate to say that I am more of a Target shopper. Maybe I can change?
What is exciting is that we will have so much more room to play around with. I haven't bought anything for our apartment in a really long time because there isn't anywhere to put anything else. Anything I buy just becomes clutter or in the way. One thing I am excited about is having a dining room table again. Right now our table is used mostly for stuff that has no where else to go. Like mail or books. It is amazing how quickly the pile builds. Then, come dinner time, the idea of actually figuring out where everything should go is too overwhelming and we usually just eat at the coffee table. So, having space to put a little shelf or side table just for the purpose of the "things that have no proper place to live" will be wonderful. Then I will reclaim the dining room table for food eating only.
There are several other things I want to buy like this a couple of these and this for our patio. I have many ideas...needless to say I am excited. And last, but not least, fingers crossed that this will also happen ;).

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